TruthTexts Luke Study: Chapter 10 Luke Study – Chapter 10

Written and Posted by Timothy Smith

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More Actions that Apply to Any Chapter:

• Choose a verse, phrase, or section from today’s study that spoke to you, and explain what it means, as if you were talking to a friend.

• Now think of any other verses in any other part of the Bible that reinforce what you learned (or teach a similar lesson). You could use an online Bible and do a word or topic search, if your Bible does not have study notes.

• Now apply what you’ve learned today to your own life. What will you do (start doing, keep doing, stop doing, or change) from reading and thinking about our study today?

• Pray, in your own words, asking God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to help you remember what you’ve learned, and ask for the power to live more like Jesus.

Luke Chapter Ten:

Who Knows Him? Who is Truly Obedient?

Thinking About Chapter Ten:

Chapter 10 begins with a dramatic expansion of Jesus’ ministry when He sends seventy-two followers out to preach, deliver, and heal. It ends with a lesson, a parable, and an example about true belief and obedience. But His followers need reminding about almost everything! Jesus also hints at His future role in human history, not just as Savior, but also as the Judge of every civilization, culture, and individual. (See the Deep Dive question in the last study, about Luke 51-56)

Luke 10:1-16: The Mission of the Seventy-Two

Jesus again sent out His followers to carry out His ministry, and again, He gave them rules for the road. It’s significant that seventy-two is the same number as the rulers of the temple, the Sanhedrin and the Chief Priests, and the officials watching Him would not have missed that. But Jesus’ warnings about those who reject Him are more than a present tense argument against those who oppose Him, for they hint at final judgment.  

• What does Jesus instruct His messengers to do if their message is rejected?

• In John 3:17-18 we learn that Jesus did not come to condemn. Why then does rejecting His call result in being “condemned already?

Deep Dive Question:

• Chapter 10 verse 16 seems to be the opposite of Luke 9:50. Are they actually opposites? How can both be true?

• In John 14:6, we learn that Jesus is the only Savior. How does Luke 10:16 support that fact? (Can we know God and reject Jesus?)

Luke 10:17-24: The Return and the Rejoicing

When the seventy-two return from their mission, both they and Jesus were filled with joy. And Jesus applied the lessons of that mission to believers everywhere, across all time. Verses 18 and 19 explain that to share the Gospel means to attack the Devil and all of his works, directly or indirectly.

• What do we need to know and do, so that we are prepared for effective witness?

• Why does Jesus rejoice in verse 21? How does this apply to us? (See 1 Cor. 1:18-31, especially 21-28 for more about this.)

• See Luke 10:20, 23-24. What should our attitude be when we see God at work in our lives?

• Luke 10:24: The disciples are getting to see what the prophets looked for. How do John 20:29 and I Peter 1:8 apply to us?

Deep Dive Question:

• John’s Gospel is accused of being a later exaggeration of Jesus’ words because in it He claims to be the Son of God the Father. How does Luke 10:22 dispel this argument? (See Matt. 11:27 for a similar passage)

Luke 10:26-37: The Heart of the Kingdom in a Parable

The parable of the “Good Samaritan,” found only in Luke’s Gospel, is one of the passages most often associated with Christ’s teachings. And with good reason, for it presents in vivid detail so many lessons about how citizens of the Kingdom of God are to act and think. The parable cuts to the heart of these key questions: “Who is my neighbor?” “How do we love our neighbors as we love ourselves?” and “Who is truly obedient?”

• The opening question by the teacher of the Law seems reasonable, but it is a trap set for Jesus. So Jesus responds with a question. What is the teacher of the law’s answer to Jesus’ question?

• The teacher of the Law is proud of his answer. Does he really understand what he just told Jesus? (See verse 29, which reveals his “true colors.”) Make it personal: What danger do we face as believers if we claim to know all the answers?

• In the story Jesus tells, three passers-by see the man who has been robbed and beaten. Why are all three examples a shock to the teacher of the Law? Which one probably shocks him the most? Why?

Deep Dive Question:

• Jesus has used the teacher’s own supposed knowledge, his sense of righteousness, and his deep prejudices against him. How do verses 36-37 illustrate the power of the Word of God? (See Heb. 4:12)

• A major lesson of Luke 10:36-37 is repeated in practical detail in James 1:19 through all of Chapter 2. See James 2:14-18. How are we supposed to act when we encounter another believer in need?

Luke 10:38-42: “Martha, Martha” (The Danger of “Busy-ness”)

Luke tells us of a personal visit by Jesus to his good friends, Mary and Martha (also the sisters of Lazarus – see John 11). Martha gets upset, and complains to Jesus when Mary is too busy listening to Jesus to help her in the kitchen. This little domestic dispute between sisters is used by Jesus to teach us a valuable lesson. It’s not permission to leave dirty dishes in the sink, or never to clean house, but a matter of setting priorities.

• In Jesus’ answer, what should we be our biggest concern?

• What is the “right thing” that Mary has done? Make it personal: what is Jesus asking us to concentrate on?