TruthTexts Luke Study: Chapter 9 Luke Study – Chapter 9

Written and Posted by Timothy Smith

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More Actions that Apply to Any Chapter:

• Choose a verse, phrase, or section from today’s study that spoke to you, and explain what it means, as if you were talking to a friend.

• Now think of any other verses in any other part of the Bible that reinforce what you learned (or teach a similar lesson). You could use an online Bible and do a word or topic search, if your Bible does not have study notes.

• Now apply what you’ve learned today to your own life. What will you do (start doing, keep doing, stop doing, or change) from reading and thinking about our study today?

• Pray, in your own words, asking God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to help you remember what you’ve learned, and ask for the power to live more like Jesus.

Luke Chapter Nine:

Jesus’ Message Intensified

Thinking About Chapter Nine:

In Chapter 9, notice Jesus’ message gaining intensity: the disciples begin to participate more directly, they begin to understand who He is, Jesus begins to hint at what will soon happen to Him, and three disciples get to see Jesus as the Lord of Heaven, Lord of the law and the prophets. And there’s more! Chapter 9 has a lot of theology packed into it. These verses lay to rest the notion of Christ as merely a moral teacher, or as a weak and wispy visionary, and present Jesus as Lord of All. These themes will repeat and intensify in the chapters to come.

Luke 9:1-6: The Disciples are Sent to Heal and Deliver, Like Jesus.

Jesus gathered the twelve disciples and “gave them authority to heal diseases and deliver people from demonic oppression.” They were sent out to preach the Kingdom of God everywhere they went. But Jesus gave them specific instructions about how to conduct themselves on their mission.   

• What is one of Jesus’ rules for their mission? Why does Jesus give the disciples that rule?

• Now choose a rule that Jesus gave and make it personal. How can we adapt that rule to today’s situations, and apply it to our mission to share the Gospel?

Luke 9:10-17: The Jubilant Return, and an Important Miracle

When the disciples returned from their “mission trip,” we can imagine their excitement. They probably talked over each other constantly as they shared the miraculous things they had done in His name. Jesus took them privately toward Bethsaida, but it didn’t work. The crowds followed him and listened all day. Then at sunset, the disciples realized that the crowd had not brought food. All the Gospels record what happened next.  

• What does Jesus do with the five loaves and two fish? Why do you think all four Gospels record this event?

Deep Dive: The disciples told Jesus, “All we have are __ and __.” That is a valid thing for us to tell God as well. Make it personal:

• “Lord, all I have is ___ .” What do you have, and what can God through the power of the Holy Spirit do with it?

Luke 9:18-27: Peter’s Declaration, and Jesus’ Warnings

After that great miracle, Jesus asked the great question, “Who do you say that I am?   

• What is Peter’s reply? Why does Jesus tell them not to share this fact with anyone?

Immediately after Peter’s great confession, Jesus predicts His death, and His resurrection. Then He issues a challenge, to them and to us:  

• What must a follower do every day? (Verses 24-26)

• Make it personal: “Jesus, to follow you, I must ___ .”

Luke 9:28-36: Peter, James, and John See Into Eternity

We can hardly relate to the event called “The Transfiguration.” Orthodox Icons present the three disciples being literally bowled over or pressed face first to the ground by what they are seeing. It is an actual event, and not a vision. From it, we learn much about Jesus’ true identity, and His relationship with Old Testament scripture. Is He just one of a long line of important prophets? Not if Elijah, the greatest miracle-working prophet, is worshipping Him, deferring to Him. Is He just a great moral teacher? Not if Moses, the “giver of the Law” is bowing to Him, and serving Him. The two men appear in “heavenly glory,” but Jesus shines like the sun itself! The disciples are awestruck.This event illustrates Jesus’ identity and purpose. Note that Moses and Elijah are discussing with Jesus what He is about to do.

Deep Dive: Moses and Elijah do not have name badges! How do the disciples know who they are? (See I Cor. 13:12) How is this a preview of heaven?

• How does the event end? Why do the disciples need that?

• Why do you think the disciples kept quiet until after the resurrection? (See 2 Peter 1:16-18 for how Peter describes it later)

Luke 9:43-45: Jesus Predicts His Death to Confounded Disciples

Jesus predicted His death, telling His disciples “Don’t forget this!”

• What is the disciples’ reaction to this news? Why? (See John 14:26)

Luke 9:46-62: Many Faulty Reactions to Christ’s Words

Luke Chapter 9 ends with a collection of really bad responses to Christ’s words, as if to bring us back off the mountain and into the sinful world that Christ came to save.

• Who is the greatest? (verses 46-48)

• Why shouldn’t the disciples stop the other miracle worker?

Deep Dive Question:

• Why doesn’t Jesus want to destroy the unbelieving village? (See Luke 19:10, the “theme verse” of this Gospel). What Bible verses tell us that Jesus will someday judge the world?

• Choose one of the people in verses 57-62. What went wrong with them that caused them to reject the Kingdom of God?